Deacon Auxiliary

The primary objectives of the OCCF Deacons Ministry of OCCF are rooted in biblical principles:
- To assist the leaders in executing their mission and vision (Acts 6:3-4)
- To be a shining example of Christian virtues (1 Timothy 3:8-13)
- To be led by the Holy Spirit in establishing a bond with people promoting openness, encouragement and trust (Galatians 5:22-25)
- To maintain a safe, healthy, and operational environment (Acts 6:3)
We exist to serve, help, share, and care for the people of this congregation, and to maintain the structural integrity and safety of the church edifices, grounds, and vehicles that serve those people. The Deacons of OCCF believe Jesus is the head of the church. He is the Lord, Savior, and Shepherd. We recognize our leaders as the undershepherds of our folk, and we follow their leadership as they follow God. We humbly function as Personal Spiritual Assistants (PSA) to ensure that every church family member receives the attention, care, support, and guidance of his/her spiritual growth.
Our goals are to be humble servants, workers and watchmen in the church and community, and a living testimony and witness for Jesus.
We deacons of OCCF are honored to be of service to the church family and the community. We endeavor to:
- Assist the leaders in implementing their vision and programs.
- Assist in carrying on the business of the church.
- Assist in the worship, baptismal, communion service, and other special services.
- Make visitation to the sick and shut-in members, providing physical and spiritual support. Address the needs of those who request physical, spiritual and social help.
- Engage in church activities that promote evangelism and missionary service, promoting the Great Commission.
- Commit to continual growth and improvement of self, the body of deacons, and the body of believers.
- Security Committee
- Building and Vehicle Committee