
One Church Youth

Our Youth ministry serves youth from 6th Grade through High School Seniors and centers its teaching on how our young people can live successful, God-filled lives. The Youth of One Church are a blessing in so many ways, and yet they need much governance and guidance. They are gifted, energetic, inquisitive, and rambunctious.  They have leadership potential and they are using those skills in several church activities. From our nursery, children’s church, praise dance, and our Vacation Bible School our youth lead the way for our Youth Ministry and strive to engage the next generation.

Your youth will find it easy to plug into several activities in the  church structure here at One Church!.


Children’s Church

Children’s church is available to children from kindergarten through the 5th grade. This ministry is extremely important and is in place to provide young people a setting to encourage one another, pray, sing and listen to the Word of God being taught on their level.

Here at One Church Covenant Fellowship, we know that the youth as well as our children of today are tomorrow’s church! Thus, our Children’s Church ministry exists to build strong foundations in our future leaders, our youth. These foundations are built through prayer, worship songs, interactive lessons, demonstrations, games and other activities. With these variations of teaching, the youth are provided age appropriate Bible-based teaching. Our vision at OCCF is to educate as many as will come, we look forward to fellowshipping with you and all ages of your family in the near future!


Nursery services are available for our little members and visitors from ages 0-4 whose parents or guardians are attending church services.

Because of the importance of providing a safe and secure worship experience for everyone here at One Church Covenant Fellowship, Children taken to visit our nursery must be signed in by a parent or guardian. All children are provided with a healthy snack and a lesson on a biblical principle. These services are provided to ensure that visitors as well as members may hear the Word of God while their little one is involved in a safe age appropriate Christ centered activity of their own

Proverbs 22:6 says “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.’ The word “train” means to narrow the path and to discipline. The word for “old” is zaw-kane, which means to mature. Jacob trained Joseph and he was a mature son as a teenager. It is the responsibility of the adults to narrow the path of our youth so that they mature in the things and ways of God.

         -Bishop JL Godbolt